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[or click here to choose a different month] hits the local press, albeit not on the front page! Friday, January 24th edition of the Thornbury Gazette carried the following article.
Dedicated site puts Oldbury-on-Severn on the map
Village gets the dot com
OLDBURY-ON-SEVERN has been put firmly on the map by a new website dedicated to the village.
The site, which was launched in October, has already had 900 visitors from as far afield as Australia and Nepal.
Designer Mike Pheysey said he got the idea from a friend who had created a similar project. "I thought it would be an excellent opportunity to learn more about the village," he said. I have met alot more people in the village as a result of the site." Among the features of the Oldbury site is a village scrapbook, which has proved popular with groups in the village.
by Julia Causton

Mr Pheysey explained: "The ongoing scrapbook contains photographs of key events in the village during the last few months. It would be great to include more, and anyone who wants to contribute can e-mail or send pictures to me." Mr Pheysey has many ideas to add to the constantly evolving site. "One thing I am planning on adding is pre-written directions and maps to the village," he said.
"Oldbury is not the easiest place to find, people would be able to print these maps off to send to visiting friends and relatives." Links to nearby parishes and the South Gloucestershire Council website also feature.
The Oldbury-on-Severn History Group may, in the future, use the site as public research. Mr Pheysey added: "The site lives and dies by the enthusiasm of the community - it would be great to hear people's ideas."
Ideas and photographs can be sent to or by contacting Mike Pheysey on 01454 414167.